Community College of Philadelphia now offers year-round programming for rising 6th through 8th grade students through our Jr. STEM Academy. Schools can choose between our one-day seminars focused on STEM fields, mini workshops on national and international STEM awareness days, and our semester-long school-based programs for students in grades 6 to 12. Parents are invited to explore our Out of School Time (OST) programs, which include STEM-related afterschool programming and STEM summer camps.
STEM Votes is a two-part youth voter engagement initiative connecting STEM concepts to current legislative topics.
Running Saturdays at the College's Career and Advanced Technology Center between Sept. 14 and Oct. 12, 2024, the Jr. STEM Academy's middle school OST program uses STEM subjects to teach students about current legislative topics. We'll cover the history of voter rights in America, climate change and electronic vehicles, and the future of manufacturing and technology (3D printing and CNC). Students will make a 3D product, build a model electronic car and participate in a mock election.
On Saturday, October 19, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Career and Advanced Technology Center, the Jr. STEM Academy is hosting an open mock election event for middle and high school students. Students will vote on a mock election ballot featuring current federal and state officials, and several ballot measures. Students will also participate in a letter-writing campaign calling for a renewed interest in mental health services for Philadelphia youth to be delivered to City Council by the Mayor's Youth Commission members, who will be volunteering that day.
Middle School OST Program
Running Saturdays at the College's Career and Advanced Technology Center between Sept. 14 and Oct. 12, 2024, the Jr. STEM Academy's middle school OST program uses STEM subjects to teach students about current legislative topics. We'll cover the history of voter rights in America, climate change and electronic vehicles, and the future of manufacturing and technology (3D printing and CNC). Students will make a 3D product, build a model electronic car and participate in a mock election.
Voter Engagement Celebration and Mock Election
On Saturday, October 19, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Career and Advanced Technology Center, the Jr. STEM Academy is hosting an open mock election event for middle and high school students. Students will vote on a mock election ballot featuring current federal and state officials, and several ballot measures. Students will also participate in a letter-writing campaign calling for a renewed interest in mental health services for Philadelphia youth to be delivered to City Council by the Mayor's Youth Commission members, who will be volunteering that day.
School-based Programs

These semester-long programs conducted in schools with the support of the Jr. STEM Academy provide opportunities for students to research STEM-related topics and present their findings as part of a Engineering Design or Science Fair competition.
- STEM Votes
- Minority Men in Medicine
- Introduce a Girl to Engineering
- Science Fair
Students are registered by school officials. These are free programs.
Check back soon for upcoming events!
OST (Out of School Time) Programming

STEM Summers at CATC — 2023 Summer Camps
Registration opening in February 2023 for:
- Drone Camp
- Robotics Camp
- Virtual Web Design Camp
- Automotive Engineering
College and Career Awareness Series

In this series of one-day seminars to introduce various STEM-related fields to students in 6th through 12th grades, students are able to interact with both industry professionals, and current undergraduate and graduate students while engaging in hands-on activities.
Events include:
- DiversITy
- Team Healthcare
Students are registered by school officials. These are free programs.
Check back soon for upcoming events!

Our STEM exposure days are one day mini-workshops in celebration of various STEM-related national and international awareness days. Students engage in hands-on activities and mini-challenges.
Events include:
- National Manufacturing Day
- International Hour of Code
- Math Moves
Students are registered by school officials. These are free programs.
Questions or more information email: