Women’s Outreach and Advocacy Center

women with a little girl showing off books from a book drive

Women’s Outreach and Advocacy Center

The Women’s Outreach and Advocacy Center provides services that address the academic, social, emotional and personal development needs, as well as the health and safety concerns, of female students. Its co-curricular educational, professional, cultural, and social services and programs empower women students to take responsibility for and control of their own life choices. The Center also enables women to convene as a community for advocacy, collaboration, research and education.

What’s Available?

  • Individual consultations
  • Referral to women’s agencies and social service organizations
  • Crisis Assistance and Prevention Information (PDF)
  • Support for homeless or near homeless students
  • Educational and issue awareness seminars, skill building workshops, and special conferences and presentations
  • Collaborative efforts within the College and the community
  • General advocacy to both administration and faculty on behalf of students
  • Resource library of books, journals and videos
  • A safe space
  • Support groups
  • Volunteer opportunities
  • Meeting space for small groups

Volunteer Opportunities

The Women’s Outreach Advocacy Center offers students, faculty, staff and community members the chance to help further its mission through such opportunities as:

  • Program planning
  • Co-sponsorship of programs and activities
  • Resource development (Library)
  • Women’s History Month
  • Women Speak enewsletter
  • Administrative support
  • Publicity and communication
  • Lead/facilitate group activities
  • Committee involvement
  • Program moderator/panel speaker

Volunteers benefit by sharpening leadership skills and cultivating new skills; working in a supportive environment; acquiring valuable work experience; increasing awareness about women’s issues; expanding personal network; and joining talented women leaders serving as change agents for other women.


To request an application, email womencenter [at] ccp.edu (womencenter[at]ccp[dot]edu) or call (267) 414-2092.


Q. What is gender equity?

A. In an educational environment, gender equity means equal involvement and learning opportunities for women and men, both of whom may participate, learn and prepare for future education, jobs and careers with no gender-based expectations. Equal encouragement for all in this context is essential equitable treatment as required by law. Gender equity principles and equal opportunity also apply in the workplace and other arenas in society.

Q. Are men welcomed in the Women’s Outreach and Advocacy Center?

A. Women and men are each encouraged to utilize the Center's resources and services. Both attend our programs and events, participate in group activities and meetings, and support our efforts.

Our Staff

The Center has full-time professional staff who are supported by work-study students and volunteers. Referrals to part-time counselors are also available upon request for private and group consultations. Students, faculty and staff are encouraged to visit and take full advantage of the Center's services. Please drop-in or call for an appointment.

Fall and spring semester hours
Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Winnet Student Life Building,
Room S1-19
(267) 414-2092 or Email Us
Fax 215-496-6093