Student Life - Beyond the Classroom

Community College of Philadelphia offers exciting and rewarding opportunities outside of the classroom that allow you to explore interests, expand your knowledge and become involved in the College community. This out-of-class involvement is meant to support your in-class performance.

Office of Student Engagement (OSE)

The Office of Student Engagement is responsible for programs such as Online Orientation; New Student Orientation; Welcome Week; Student Involvement Days; Spring Fling; the Student Programming Board; trips to Broadway shows; thematic and cultural programming; and many other ways to help you get involved.

Students who are involved are more connected to the campus and tend to have higher grades, and graduate and transfer on time. Don't wait. There is more to college than just going to class. Let us help you to succeed! Opportunities for involvement exist at each Regional Center, in addition to the Main Campus.

For a list of current campus programs and activities, you can view the student events calendar in the Pride Portal.  Interested in helping to plan student activities?  Email studentdevelopment [at] for more information. 

Pride Portal - Your One-Stop Hub for Campus Engagement

Want to get involved but not sure where to start?  Pride Portal is your one-stop hub for campus engagement and serves as "your path to pawsibilities."  Login to learn about all the incredible opportunities available to enrich your college experience.  Click here to get involved and make it a roarin' good year.


The College offers a rich variety of competitive and fitness activities:

  • Athletics Center: This facility features a weight training room, cardio room, and exercise room for aerobics and yoga classes.
  • Intercollegiate Athletics: Offering nine sport teams for men and women, the College is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) and competes in Region XIX as part of the Eastern Pennsylvania Athletic Conference (EPAC).
  • Intramural Sports: Our programs include volleyball, basketball, kickball and Ultimate Frisbee.
  • Health and Wellness: Events throughout the year serve students, faculty and staff at the College. Examples include health screenings, healthy cooking demonstrations and dietary information exchanges.

Center for Student Leadership Development

There are several ways you can participate in campus life to enhance your leadership, teamwork and communication skills:

  • You may choose to get involved in the Student Government Association.
  • Become a member of a student club or organization.
  • Contribute to the Vanguard, the student newspaper.
  • The College's honor societies,including the Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society and the Alpha Beta Gamma International Business Honor Society, offer you several leadership, networking and academic growth opportunities.
  • The Lion Leaders Program:  these are student employees at the College.  Students serve as Lion Leader - Customer Service Representatives and Lion Leader – Generalist.
  • The Student Leadership and Involvement Center houses Philadelphia L.E.A.D.S. – our premier student leadership programs, including:
    • Emerging Leaders, specifically designed for incoming new students;
    • Gold Leaders, which certifies students through the Student Leadership Challenge; and
    • Pathway Leaders, which guides seasoned student leaders through the tenants of Servant Leadership.
  • Student Leadership retreats, conferences, workshops and annual awards ceremonies.
  • Volunteer to help out with the College's Snack Rack Food Pantry Program and/or the Healthy Choices Initiative - Grady's Community Garden.

Location: Winnet Student Life Building; Room S1-11/S1-12; phone numbers:  215.496.6112