Specialized Programs

You will find information about the following on this page:

Alliance for Minority Participation (AMP)

The Alliance for Minority Participation (AMP) is a consortium of institutions in the Greater Philadelphia area with the shared mission of increasing the number of under-represented minority students receiving degrees in Science, Engineering and Mathematics. The College's specific role is to advise and encourage you to transfer to other AMP institutions where you may ultimately earn baccalaureate degrees. Services and activities include specialized advising, book stipends and research. For more information about AMP, please contact Linda Powell.

Developmental Education Program

The College is committed to assisting students in successfully attaining college-level skills in reading, writing and mathematics; therefore, the Developmental Education program collaborates with other College departments and programs to provide you with a variety of academic courses and support services. The College requires you to complete placement tests in these three areas so that if you need help in developing one or more basic skills, you can be placed into appropriate courses and provided with important academic support services. In addition, a few College courses are offered especially for Developmental Education students. Classroom instruction is supplemented by small group workshops, tutoring, academic advising, individual counseling and counseling workshops. The primary mission of the Developmental Education program is to prepare students to succeed at the College. For more information, please call 215-751-8867.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Programs and Services: Academic Preparation

The ESL program and services provide students who speak English as a Second Language with the opportunity to improve their English language skills so that they are better prepared for the College's educational programs. In addition, a few College courses are offered specifically for ESL students. Classroom instruction is supplemented by small group workshops, tutoring, academic advising, individual counseling and counseling workshops.

The overall goal of the program and services is to assist you in improving your English language abilities to the degree that will lead not only to success in the College's academic and career programs, but also to effective participation in the community at large. For more information about ESL, please call 215-751-8867.

English as a Second Language (ESL): Community Education

Classes are designed for non-native speakers of English who wish to improve their basic English language skills in order to more actively participate in the larger society or prepare for citizenship. The program provides three levels of ESL instruction. ESL classes are available to adults 18 years of age and older. For more information about the ESL program, please visit the ESL website; email adultliteracy [at] ccp.edu or call 215-751-8531.

High School Equivalency Program (HSE)

Classes are designed to help prepare students for the HiSET and/or GED ® exams. You must be at least 18 years of age and not enrolled in high school to enroll in the HSE program. The classes emphasize the reading, writing and math skills necessary to successfully earn a high school equivalency credential. HiSET is a trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS). GED is a trademark of GED Testing Service
For more information, please visit the HSE website; email adultliteracy [at] ccp.edu or call 215-751-8531. Updates are also available on the HSE hotline at 215-751-8376.

Honors Opportunities

Community College of Philadelphia is pleased to recognize academic excellence and provides a number of opportunities to promote student success. These opportunities vary from a specialized Liberal Arts curriculum to honors courses and the recognition of graduation with Departmental Distinction.

The Liberal Arts Curriculum – Honors Option

This degree program provides rich academic experiences to qualified students. The curriculum encourages you to be self-reflective about your own intellectual processes and to become more aware of the requirements of academic discourse in the humanities and social sciences. For additional information, please refer to the degree program information or contact the coordinator, Dr. Sarah Iepson at siepson [at] ccp.edu.

Specialized Honors courses in a variety of disciplines including Art, English, Earth Science, History, Humanities, Interdisciplinary Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology offer students challenging activities and additional research opportunities. For additional information, contact the coordinator, Dr. Sarah Iepson at siepson [at] ccp.edu.

Students with a strong background in science are invited to participate in special honors sections of general Chemistry coursework. Interested students may contact the chair of the Chemistry Department at 215-751-8416 for additional information.

Departmental Distinction

Departmental Distinction recognizes student achievement and is conferred on students at graduation from a wide range of programs. In order to qualify, you must achieve a minimum grade point average of 3.2 and complete a project (separate from required coursework) which has been approved by the department. For more detailed information on eligibility and requirements, please contact the department chair of the program in which you are enrolled.

Keystone Education Yields Success (KEYS)

Keystone Education Yields Success (KEYS) is designed to assist students who receive support through Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program and Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) support in their pursuit of postsecondary education. Students enrolled in the program have the opportunity to meet regularly with program staff who help them address barriers and promote achievement of their educational and employment goals. Students are connected with appropriate support services both in and outside the College. Academic performance is monitored and students are referred to needed services such as tutoring, advising, and career and personal counseling. In addition, KEYS can assist students in maintaining basic benefits and accessing additional allowances and services through the County Assistance Office and other community agencies essential in ensuring their ability to persist.

KEYS is funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. Eligible students who are interested in enrolling in KEYS should contact their caseworker at their assigned County Assistance Office (CAO) for referral or the KEYS Program office in M1-24 at 215-751-8025.

Lifelong Learning Programs and Workshops

The College's lifelong learning programs include an array of workshops and classes designed to enhance an individual's experience and skills in various areas of interest. The variety of classes offered gives community members options to enhance their social development and personal enrichment. For more information, email adultliteracy [at] ccp.edu or call 215-751-8531.

TRiO Student Support Services

TRiO Student Support Services (TRiO SSS) at Community College of Philadelphia is one of a number of educational support programs located in the Educational Support Services Division. Comprehensive services are available to low-income, first generation college students and students with disabilities. Resources are provided to support students' graduation and/or transfer from the College to four-year colleges and universities to receive baccalaureate degrees. The TRiO SSS mission ensures this outcome by increasing retention and graduation rates that facilitate this goal. For information about TRIO Upward Bound and eligibility requirements, please call 215-751-8532 or visit us online.

Programs for High School Students

Advance at College — Dual Enrollment

The Advance at College program offers motivated and academically-talented 11th and 12th grade Philadelphia students the opportunity to take developmental and/or college-level courses while still attending high school and seeks to facilitate a successful transition from high school to college. General College fees are waived for students in the program. Advance at College students are not eligible for financial aid. A special admissions application must be completed and signed by either "the" or "a" parent/guardian and school principal. Entrance into the program is determined by the College's placement test. Tuition is discounted for Advance at College students. For more information about Advance at College, please call 215-751-8585 or visit us online.

Advanced College Experience (ACE)

The ACE program provides motivated Philadelphia students entering the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades, and students pursing their GED, the opportunity to experience a college atmosphere and earn college credits. Courses are offered in a variety of subject areas and designed with additional hours of instruction to give participants the best possible chance for success.

Classes are offered during the summer at the College beginning in early July. Tuition for the program is offered at a rate that is less than regular College tuition and includes all fees and instructional materials. For additional information on the ACE program, please call 215-751-8585, visit us online or email us (ace [at] ccp.edu).

Gateway to College

Gateway to College is an alternative education program for School District of Philadelphia students, ages 16 to 21, who have disengaged from high school but desire to get back on track and earn a diploma. What makes Gateway to College truly unique is that our students will not only have a second chance to earn a high school diploma but will also earn college credits toward an associate's degree or certificate.
The Gateway to College Program is part of a National Network that works to build the capacity of colleges, school districts, and states to revolutionize education for disengaged high school students and underprepared college students so that all young people can achieve college credentials.

The Philadelphia Gateway to College Program is funded through Community College of Philadelphia and our partner in student success, the School District of Philadelphia. For additional information about the program, please call 215-751-8425, email us (gateway [at] ccp.edu) or visit us online.

TRIO Upward Bound

TRIO Upward Bound is a federally funded program that aims to increase college enrollment and graduation rates for high school students from low-income households, from homes where neither parent has earned a 4-year Bachelor's degree, or for students at a high academic risk of failure. The program offers academic instruction, tutoring, mentoring, career exploration and cultural enrichment activities, college visits, college application assistance, financial aid instruction, and parent workshops. For information about TRIO Upward Bound and eligibility requirements, please call 215-751-8840 visit us online.

Transfer Opportunities and Services

After successful completion of coursework at the College, many students continue their education at a four-year college or university. The success these students enjoy is a reflection of the transfer curricula and related support offered by the College.

Transfer Services

A goal of many students is to earn a bachelor's degree. Academic advisors and counselors can assist students in the development of an educational plan and the exploration of academic programs and transfer institutions.

Students are encouraged to discuss the transfer process and to review their goals with a Community College of Philadelphia academic advisor or counselor. On Main Campus the Academic Advising Center is located in the Bonnell Building Room BG-12 and the Counseling Center is located in the Bonnell Building Room BG-7. Academic advisors and counselors are also available at the Regional Centers.

To schedule an appointment with an academic advisor, login to MyCCP for the Starfish Connect appointment system, call 215-751-8777 or stop by BG-12 on Main Campus. To schedule an appointment with a counselor, please call 215-751-8169, email counseling [at] ccp.edu or stop by BG-7 on Main Campus. Academic advisors and counselors are also available at the Regional Centers.

For more information visit the Academic Advising Information page or the Counseling Center information page.

Transfer Agreements

There are three types of transfer Agreements: dual admissions, core-to-core and program-to-program.

To participate as a transfer student in dual admissions, core-to-core and program-to-program Agreements, you must earn an appropriate associate degree before transfer. These Agreements are not exclusive of one another. If you transfer to a school with more than one type of Agreement, the Agreements can complement one another. Information on transfer Agreements and other information helpful to the transfer process is available on the transfer opportunities website.

Dual Admissions

Community College of Philadelphia has developed dual admissions Agreements with area colleges and universities. These Agreements are designed to assist students who earn an appropriate associate degree to transfer to one of these four-year institutions. Support and financial incentives, including scholarship awards, are built-in to offer you the best opportunity for success.

Students who are interested in dual admissions should complete an intent form early in their academic career. Many of the institutions listed below require that students signal their intent to participate before they have earned no more than 30 college-level credits.

For additional information and to submit a Dual Admissions intent form, login to MyCCP and go to the Transfer/Dual Admissions channel on MyGPS. You should meet with an academic advisor or counselor for assistance in identifying the appropriate courses at the College in order to transfer into the program of your choice.

The College maintains dual admissions partnerships with the following institutions:

  • Alvernia University
  • Arcadia University
  • Chestnut Hill College
  • Cheyney University
  • Drexel University
  • Eastern University
  • Harrisburg University
  • Holy Family University
  • Immaculata University
  • Kutztown University
  • La Salle University
  • Lincoln University
  • Peirce College
  • Rosemont College
  • Rutgers University - Camden
  • Saint Joseph's University
  • Shippensburg University
  • Temple University
  • Wilmington University


These Agreements specify the acceptance of approved associate degree programs in which the general education reflects the core requirements of the four-year institution's curriculum. If you earn an appropriate associate degree (usually an Associate in Arts, A.A., or Associate in Science A.S.), the four-year institution's core requirements are satisfied except for core courses required by the intended major and possibly other requirements that reflect the specific values of the transfer institution (e.g., religion, World Language). Below is a list of four-year institutions with which Community College of Philadelphia has core-to-core agreements:

  • Arcadia University
  • Chestnut Hill College
  • College Unbound
  • Holy Family University (Community Bridge)
  • Kutztown University
  • La Salle University
  • Lincoln University
  • Rosemont College (Gen Ed-to-Gen Ed)
  • Rutgers University - Camden
  • Temple University (Gen Ed-to-Gen Ed)
  • Wilmington University

PASSHE Core-to-Core

The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education institutions (commonly referred to as "PASSHE") recognize that students who transfer from Community College of Philadelphia with an Associate in Arts or an Associate in Science degree:

Shall have satisfied the general education requirements at the receiving PASSHE university. Exceptions may be made for the following, provided that these exceptions do not extend the student’s time to the degree: (a) One signature general education course (up to 3 credits), if applicable; (b) Any prescribed general education course required for the major, if not satisfactorily completed; (c) General education overlays satisfied in advanced courses in the major. (PASSHE Transfer policy.)

Students are encouraged to ask a PASSHE University admissions representative about this policy and about a possible signature course required upon transfer to the intended PASSHE University. Details are available on each PASSHE institution's page.


These are Agreements in which an entire curriculum or program of study is accepted to provide a graduate of a specific associate degree advanced standing in a specific bachelor's degree program. The College maintains selected program-to-program Agreements with the following colleges and universities:

  • Alvernia University
  • Arcadia University
  • Berklee Online
  • Chestnut Hill College
  • Cheyney University
  • College Unbound
  • Commonwealth University (Bloomsburg, Lock Haven and Mansfield)
  • Drexel University
  • Drexel University Online
  • East Stroudsburg University
  • Eastern University
  • Harrisburg University
  • Holy Family University
  • Immaculata University
  • Kutztown University
  • La Salle University
  • Lincoln University
  • Moore College of Art and Design
  • Peirce College
  • Penn State University
  • Rosemont College
  • Rowan University
  • Rutgers University - Camden
  • Saint Joseph's University
  • School of the Art Institute of Chicago
  • Shippensburg University
  • Southern New Hampshire University
  • Temple University
  • Thomas Jefferson University
  • University of Cincinnati
  • University of Maryland Global Campus
  • West Chester University
  • Western Governors University
  • Widener University
  • Wilmington University
  • York College of Pennsylvania

The College continues to seek and implement new Agreements. Students should confer with an academic advisor, counselor or the curriculum coordinator in their area of interest to find out about specific Agreements. Selected transfer guides are available on the Transfer Agreements page as well as transfer institution's page.


Pacollegetransfer.net facilitates exploration of colleges, universities and community colleges that belong to a Statewide Transfer System dedicated to the seamless transfer of courses within a 30-credit framework. In addition, the Statewide Transfer System has been expanded to require participating institutions to accept the transfer of Associate in Arts and Associate in Science degrees into parallel baccalaureate programs with full junior standing, recognizing all the competencies attained within the associate degree programs. College degree programs approved for the Statewide Transfer System are:

  • Art and Design
  • Biology
  • Business - General
  • Chemistry
  • Communication Studies
  • Computer Science
  • Education (Birth to 4th Grade)
  • English
  • Mass Media
  • Mathematics
  • Psychology
  • Theater

Not all baccalaureate institutions offer parallel majors for each college program.

Students can explore information about the institutions and obtain information on course and program transfer at pacollegetransfer.net. Pennsylvania's community colleges are Statewide Transfer System members, as are the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education's (PASSHE) universities. The following PASSHE, state-related institutions and private institutions have opted to participate as full Statewide Transfer System members:

  • Carlow University
  • Cheyney University
  • Commonwealth University (Bloomsburg, Lock Haven and Mansfield)
  • East Stroudsburg University
  • Geneva College
  • Indiana University of Pennsylvania
  • Kutztown University
  • Lackawanna College
  • Lincoln University
  • Millersville University
  • PennWest California
  • PennWest Clarion
  • PennWest Edinboro Shippensburg University
  • Slippery Rock University
  • West Chester University

Study Abroad

Studying in another country while earning credits toward graduation can be one of the most rewarding experiences of a student's undergraduate career. Study abroad can be a program or courses, through which you complete part of the formal college program while studying in another country.

Recognizing that time constraints and personal obligations may make a full semester study abroad experience impossible for many students, Community College of Philadelphia has developed several non-traditional short-term programs to help you experience different cultures. These programs range from one to four weeks in length and offer noncredit or credit experiences. For information on current study abroad programs, please visit the Study Abroad web page.

Students receiving financial aid can usually apply most sources of aid to study abroad fees. The Higher Education Act of 1965, amended in 1980, says that a student enrolled in a formal program of study abroad may be considered for federal financial aid for "reasonable costs" associated with such study. Contact the Office of Financial Aid and the study abroad coordinator for more information about financial aid and other options for financing study abroad.

Students desiring information about participating in non-Community College of Philadelphia study abroad programs must meet with the College's study abroad coordinator and complete the appropriate form. To learn more more about study abroad and international education, contact the coordinator and visit the Study Abroad web page.

Degree & Certificate Programs at Regional Centers

The three Regional Centers provide a convenient entrée to all of the College's degree and certificate programs. In conjunction with online course offerings, the Regional Centers offer you the added advantage of taking all of the courses needed to satisfy the requirements for 15 degree and certificate programs.

Full degree/certificate options available at the Regional Centers include the following:

Northeast Regional Center (NERC)

The following degrees can be earned on-site at NERC:

The following degrees can be earned on-site at NERC combined with online classes:

The following certificates can be earned on-site at NERC combined with online classes:

Northwest Regional Center (NWRC)

The following degrees can be earned on-site at NWRC:

The following degrees can be earned on-site at NWRC combined with online classes:

West Regional Center (WERC)

The following degrees can be earned on-site at WERC:

The following degrees can be earned on-site at WERC combined with online classes:

The following proficiency certificate can be earned on-site at WERC:

Even if a student is interested in a program that is not listed above as a full degree option, a Regional Center can still be the place to start. You may begin your college career at a Center in any one of the College's degree or certificate programs and take the remainder of the courses at the Main Campus. In these cases, you can complete 30 or more credits at a convenient Regional Center before moving on to the Main Campus. Learn more about the Northeast Regional Center, Career and advance Technology Center and the West Regional Center.

Shared Programs

Community College of Philadelphia, in cooperation with Bucks, Delaware and Montgomery County community colleges, offers approved shared programs. These are programs that are offered by one community college, but not another. Shared program students may complete some or all of their general education and elective courses at their home college while taking the program specialty courses at the host college. Students enrolled in shared programs pay the in-district tuition rate at the host college. Community College of Philadelphia is the home college for the following programs, and students who elect to enroll in these approved shared programs must be authorized by the Dean of Enrollment Management:

Shared ProgramHost College
Fine WoodworkingBucks County Community College
Furniture and CabinetmakingBucks County Community College
Health and Fitness Professional A.A.S.Montgomery County Community College
Historic PreservationBucks County Community College
Machine Tool TechnologyDelaware County Community College

Community College of Philadelphia is the host college for the following programs. Students from Bucks County, Delaware County, Montgomery County, and Reading Area community colleges must receive approval from their home college. An appropriate representative from the home college (such as someone from the Office of Admissions/Enrollment Management, a program coordinator, or an advisor) should write and send a letter/email to Admissions stating the home college approves the student to take the requested course(s) at CCP. The letter should be on the home college's letterhead.

Community College of Philadelphia ProgramHome College
American Sign Language/English Interpreting A.A.S.Bucks County Community College, Delaware County Community College, Montgomery County Community College
Architecture A.A.Bucks County Community College
Automotive Technology A.A.S.Bucks County Community College, Montgomery County Community College
Black Studies A.A.Reading Area Community College
Dental Hygiene A.A.S.Bucks County Community College, Delaware County Community College
Diagnostic Medical Imaging A.A.S.Delaware Community College
Facility Management A.A.S.Bucks County Community College
Photographic Imaging A.A.S.Delaware County Community College
Respiratory Care Technology A.A.S.Bucks County Community College, Delaware County Community College