Alumni Association

The College continues providing benefits and services to you, our alumni and friends. You started with us, and we want to help you continue achieving your ambitious educational and career goals. Ready to take advantage of the College's services after graduation? Sign up for an alumni membership.
We are always working on expanding and updating our alumni benefits, so make sure we have your current contact information to stay connected with us and receive the latest alumni news and offerings.
If you're looking to pursue your bachelor's degree, we offer three convenient ways to request your transcripts.
Order my Community College of Philadelphia transcripts
Alumni Membership
The alumni membership grants you access to College resources like:
- College Library at the Main Campus and Regional Centers
- College computer labs at the Main Campus and Regional Centers
Please note that Alumni Association membership benefits are subject to change, including alumni ID card privileges. Alumni Association members are expected to follow the College's guest and visitor policy when on campus. If Alumni Association members behave in an unacceptable manner while visiting campus, alumni ID card privileges may be revoked.
Get your alumni membership today.
Career Services
Expand your skills with free workshops that help with professional and personal growth from résumé development, public speaking, career counseling, job search assistance, résumé preparation and interviewing assistance, web resources, career assessment tools, job fairs and employer recruitment visits.
Learn more about our Career Connections Opportunities
Exclusive Access to Events
Expand your network by joining some of your alumni friends for social and networking events and activities.
More information about discounts will be available soon!
Join the Alumni Association Today!
Alumni Association membership applications may require up to two business days for processing after submission and you will not be able to receive an Alumni ID card until processing is complete and your membership is activated. You will receive a communication from the Alumni Relations Office once your membership is processed and activated.
Please note that Alumni Association membership benefits are subject to change, including alumni ID card privileges. Alumni Association members are expected to follow the College's guest and visitor policy when on campus. If Alumni Association members behave in an unacceptable manner while visiting campus, alumni ID card privileges may be revoked.
The Alumni Association membership fee is $50, payable by cash, check, or credit card (credit card payments are accepted online only).
Apply Online
The easiest way to join the Alumni Association is to apply online at
Apply in Person
Appointments are encouraged for office visits, so that we can guarantee staff are available to assist you. Please call 215.751.8022 or email lsassikopp [at] to schedule an appointment. Appointments are available Monday through Friday, between 9am and 3pm. Please note that even when applying in person, Alumni Associations membership applications may still require up to 2 business days for processing. You will not be able to receive an Alumni ID card until processing is complete.
Office of Institutional Advancement
1500 Spring Garden Street, 7th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19130
Appointments available Monday through Friday, 9am to 3pm
Apply by Mail
Request an application by contacting the Alumni Relations office at 215.751.8022
alumni [at] (Contact Us!)
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I join the Alumni Association?
We’re thrilled to welcome you into the Alumni Association. Get excited, because you are part of a large community with amazing accomplishments. We’ll keep you in the know about annual College activities, networking events, and other activities and opportunities so you stay connected. Getting started is easy, just send us your contact information. Keep your pride, passion and appreciation for the College alive by staying connected and sharing your story.
Can I access the College Library and computer lab facilities?
Our Alumni Association card allows members who have attained 30 or more credit hours at the College to enjoy ongoing access to specific College facilities. The one-time $50 fee can be paid online via credit card or in person at 1500 Spring Garden Street, 7th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Should you need information mailed to you, please send us an email request.
Are there discounts for Alumni Association members taking courses?
Not at this time.
How do I get another copy of my degree or certificate?
To obtain a new copy of your degree or certificate, visit the College's Records and Registration Department. Copies are $15 each. Contact Records and Registration, Graduate Division; grads [at], 215.751.8864, .8244 or .8252 with questions.
How do I get a copy of my transcript to document grades, graduation date, etc.?
Read about your options for getting copies of your transcript.
I lost my Alumni ID. How do I get a new one?
There is a $10 fee to replace a College ID, payable at the Office of Student Tuition Services in the Bonnell Building, Room BG-38. Hand deliver your receipt to the Office of Institutional Advancement at 1500 Spring Garden Street, 7th Floor, in exchange for a new authorization form that you can take to the Security Office for a replacement ID.
How do I obtain degree verification for employment?
The College's Records and Registration Department handles degree verification. Contact either:
- Records and Registration Department: 215.751.8258
- Tarsha Walton, assistant director of Records and Registration: 215.751.8938