RESP 100 - Introduction to Respiratory Care Technologies

Credit Hours: 4

This introductory course focuses on professionalism, medical terminology, infection control, drug calculations, and legal and ethical issues in health care. Other topics addressed include: comprehensive patient assessment and documentation, and evaluation of diagnostic studies as they relate to cardiopulmonary procedures.

Additional Course Fees: $105


RESP 101 which must be taken concurrently

RESP 101 - Respiratory Care Techniques

Credit Hours: 4

Students will study the history of oxygen therapy, the chemical and physical properties of medical gases; the uses, principles and equipment associated with oxygen, humidity, and aerosol therapy. Learning activities require students to utilize planned, systematic scientific observations, and analysis and to complete oral/written reports.

Additional Course Fees: $105


RESP 100, which must be taken concurrently

RESP 102 - Respiratory Pharmacology, Modalities, and Airway Management

Credit Hours: 4

Students will expand their knowledge of respiratory pharmacology and learn the theory and use of currently employed modes of respiratory care, including the rationale for the use and proper administration, operational principles and maintenance of technology, cleaning and sterilization. This course includes a clinical component.  

Additional Course Fees: $175


RESP 100 and RESP 101

RESP 103 - Introduction to Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology

Credit Hours: 3

Students will expand their knowledge of pulmonary and cardiovascular anatomy and physiology; general and respiratory pharmacology; and chest physical therapy techniques. Treatment for cardiopulmonary diseases and conditions will be discussed to include rehabilitation exercises. The sanitization and sterilization of equipment will also be addressed.

Additional Course Fees: $105


RESP 102

RESP 104 - Clinical Practicum I

Credit Hours: 3

This clinical course is an extension of the experience begun during RESP 102. The student will continue to practice skills and perform techniques and integrate theory taught during the first year of the Program. The course will include observation in critical care units. Students may perform any procedures covered in the Program's first year clinical objectives and they will be introduced to the critical care setting, patients, and technologies. 

Additional Course Fees: $175


RESP 103

RESP 210 - Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology I

Credit Hours: 4

This course is divided into two major parts: Respiratory Physiology and Radiology. In this course, students learn the fundamentals of Cardio-Respiratory Physiology and Radiology in preparation for the more advanced courses in the sequence.

Additional Course Fees: $175


BIOL 110 with a grade of "C" or better, CHEM 110 or CHEM 101 with a grade of "C" or better, CIS 103, ENGL 102, and RESP 104;  and RESP 220 which must be taken concurrently


RESP 220

RESP 211 - Cardiopulmonary Pathophysiology II

Credit Hours: 4

This course is divided into two major parts: adult respiratory diseases and pediatrics/neonatology. Students will learn about adult, pediatric, and infant respiratory diseases and the clinical practices necessary to treat them.

Additional Course Fees: $175


BIOL 241& with a grade of "C" or better, RESP 210, and RESP 221 which must be taken concurrently


RESP 221

RESP 220 - Advanced Respiratory Care Procedures

Credit Hours: 5

This course focuses on advanced respiratory care procedures that includes pulmonary and cardiac function testing; blood gas analysis; cardiovascular anatomy, physiology and arrhythmia identification.  

Additional Course Fees: $105


RESP 104, and RESP 210, which must be taken concurrently


RESP 210 with a grade of "C" or better, which must be taken concurrently

RESP 221 - Adult Critical Care

Credit Hours: 6

A continuation of principles of respiratory therapeutics and equipment utilized in the intensive care units. Content includes adult mechanical ventilators, ventilation techniques, critical care monitoring and assessment/care of the critically ill patient. 

Additional Course Fees: $345


RESP 220; and RESP 211, which must be taken concurrently


RESP 211

RESP 299 - Clinical Practicum II

Credit Hours: 3

Requires systematically-planned observations and applications of skills in a variety of clinical settings, specifically adult intensive care units, neonatal (newborn) and pediatric units, and sub-acute care facilities. Skills include routine respiratory care procedures such as oxygen and aerosolized medications delivery, postural drainage and chest physical therapy maneuvers, and arterial blood gas acquisition. Advanced skills will be emphasized, including variations in approach to care depending on the venue. Students will complete clinical assignments, patient cases studies, and review for the national boards.

Additional Course Fees: $175


RESP 211 and RESP 221